Friday, April 27, 2012

getting to know you, getting to know aaallll about yooou...

since we're just getting acquainted around here, i thought i'd tell you a bit more about me.
- i love music. i feel like i have really created my own music style, and my "favorite's" list grows daily. i lovelovelove regina spektor, florence + the machine, the beatles {all of which i have talked about already:) }, mindy gledhill, feist, sara bareillis, adele {the early years}, the submarines, the civil wars... the list just goes on and on. i love to scream happy songs at the top of my lungs, and imagine that i am in a depressing movie when i hear sad songs {admit it, we all do it:) }. oh, and something else. i avoid the radio at all costs. i hate it how they play really fantastic songs over, and over, and over... so then their fantastic-ness level goes down a couple bars. but whatev's. that's just moi.
- i adore pinterest. there's just so much inspiration and creativity goin' on over 'de-uh. i am pretty pro at pinning, also. i can pin about 5 quality pins every 45 seconds. now that's skill. :)
- i am somewhat OCD about things. i obsess over what's going to happen, what career i want to pursue, what i'm going to wear tomorrow, yadayadaya. i feel like i really live in the moment and am "go-with-the-flow, however. it's a weird balance, for sure.
- i love anything vintage/ eclectic. i just do. therefore, one of my favorite stores is DI. oh, the gems you find there:)
-the only time i really use capital letters is school. i just really don't like them for some reason :)
- it's been said, but i really love photography. i LOVE capturing precious moments. also, i have this fear that one day, i won't be able to remember little things like that. actually, it's not just a "fear". i know that it will happen. so i take pictures like a mad woman and hold on to them like a lifeline. oh, and i also keep a daily journal. it's kind of a challenge to myself, just to see if i can keep it up. but i adore looking back on things in the past and my feelings, even if they are silly:)
- i lovelovelove babies. and kids. and people in general. as i've broken out of my shell more in the past few years, i recognize just how much i love making friends and that it is much more fun to be yourself and outgoing then quiet and "watching from the outside".
- i have lots of pet peeves. but my worst one is when people don't use correct grammar {we're talkin' they're/ their/ there, ect.}. i'm tempted to salmon-slap {read:} the worst offenders on facebook. :)
- i can really blab on forever, so i'm just going to stop here:)

stick around so we can get to know each other even better, mmmkay?
-hannah bee.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


i'm hannah.
hannah marie saxey.
lovingly called an assortment of fantastic nicknames such as harry {don't know where that came from}, hannie {curteousy of elise}, and BEE.
hence the "bee" part in my blog title.
i am usually very happy, funny {well, at least, i think i am:) }, caring, and extremely passionate about life in general.
i sometimes have a heavy accent {utahn, of course} when i get mad or am talking a million miles a minute.
i think that regina spektor and twinkly lights and beach cruisers and screaming the beatles at the top of my lungs and spring days in utah are some of the best things in the whole wide world.
i adore the beautiful french language and am trying my darndest to learn it.
mark my words: i will make it to france someday.
i plan on making it everywhere. i want to experience life to it's fullest, which for me, includes experiencing it in other places and other cultures.
my favorite song ever is "i belong to the church of jesus christ" {check it.} because it describes me to a T. i have such a strong testimony of the gospel and my heart is filled to the rafters just thinking about it.
i LOVE my special needs friends that i have made this past year serving in the special needs mutual in our region.
i lovelovelove photography. i like to think i'm OK at it, too:)
i was gifted with my beloved florence {namesake: florence welch of florence + the machine... she's one of my very favorites} for christmas this year.
she's my third eye.
i'm learing and growing and becoming me.
i'm breaking out of my shell. {guess what? i used to be deathy afraid of... well, people.}
i'm sometimes serious. but mostly, i'm not.
i'm overflowing with love for my family and friends.
i'm hannah.
i'm ME.